Fig. 1.
Confirmation of ETVG-ABL t(9;12)translocation.
(A) Cytogenetic and FISH results. (i) Normal chromosome 9 with normal ABL signal (red), (ii) add(9)(q34) with diminished ABL FISH signal, (iii) normal chromosome (12) with normal ETV6 signal (green), and (iv, v) 2 copies of der(12) showing yellow fusion signal in simultaneousETV6-ABL FISH. (B) Agarose gel electrophoresis of RT-PCR products. Lanes: M, molecular weight marker (pEMBL18 digested with TaqI); 1, ETV6 (TelE+ ↔ TelC-); 2,ABL (NIb+ ↔ Jc-); 3,ETV6-ABL (TelE+ ↔ Jc-); 4,ETV6-ABL (TelA+ ↔ CA3-). The larger and stronger band on lane 3 corresponds to the type BETV6-ABL transcript, whereas the smaller and weaker band represents the type A transcript. The latter can be more clearly detected with the TelA+ primer, which is closer to theETV6 exon 4–ABL exon 2 junction, as shown on lane 4.