Fig. 6.
Detection of NRAMP1 and gelatinase in human neutrophils granules by immunoelectron microscopy.
PMN leukocytes were fixed, cryosectioned, and labeled with anti-NRAMP1 and protein A–gold (10 nm; A) or double-labeled with antigelatinase and protein A–gold (10 nm) followed by labeling with anti-NRAMP1 and protein A–gold (15 nm; B). (A) Labeling on the membranes of some granules (arrows) is shown. (B) A population of granules is highly labeled for gelatinase on the matrix (small arrows), and labeling for NRAMP1 (large arrows) is shown on the membrane of some granules containing gelatinase and some negative for gelatinase. Bar = 200 nm.