Fig. 2.
Fig. 2. Effect of TH9402 concentration and light intensity on the depletion of host- and third-party–reactive T cells. / Donor cells were first primed against host cells in a one-way, 4-day MLR, and then treated with increasing concentrations of TH9402 and light intensity. (A) After treatment, cells were cocultured with irradiated stimulator cells from the same host or (B) third-party cells for 5 days and proliferation was measured after addition of3H-thymidine (*P < .05; **P < .01). Results are expressed as mean ± SEM of the percentage of proliferation of the untreated control at an R/S ratio of 2:1; experiments were performed in triplicate.

Effect of TH9402 concentration and light intensity on the depletion of host- and third-party–reactive T cells.

Donor cells were first primed against host cells in a one-way, 4-day MLR, and then treated with increasing concentrations of TH9402 and light intensity. (A) After treatment, cells were cocultured with irradiated stimulator cells from the same host or (B) third-party cells for 5 days and proliferation was measured after addition of3H-thymidine (*P < .05; **P < .01). Results are expressed as mean ± SEM of the percentage of proliferation of the untreated control at an R/S ratio of 2:1; experiments were performed in triplicate.

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