Fig. 1.
SSCP bandshifts corresponding to novel ATM nucleotide changes identified.
Out of 61 samples, 11 novel nucleotide changes were identified. Bandshifts (arrowed) due to these nucleotide changes detected on autoradiograms after SSCP are shown adjacent to normal samples. The nucleotide changes were: IVS4-36insTG (intron 4); 162T>C (exon 5); 378T>A (exon 7); IVS15-48T/C (intron 15); IVS16 + 78G/A (intron 16); 4578C>T (exon 32); 5042T>C (exon 36); 5756delAA (exon 40); IVS40 + 27G/A (intron 40); 6919C>T (exon 49); 7271insGT (exon 51).