Absence of PECAM-1 leads to increased B-1a cell population in the peritoneum.
(A) Peritoneal cells isolated from PECAM-1+/+ mice were collected by peritoneal lavage with 5 mL PBS and cells dual stained with a range of markers including CD5/B220, CD5/Mac-1, CD5/IgM, and CD5/CD3 to identify the B-1a cell population (CD5/CD3, region A) distinct from T cells (CD5/CD3, region B). B-1a cells stain CD5+B220lowIgM+Mac-1+CD3−. These flow profiles are representative of at least 6 experiments. (B) T-cell–depleted peritoneal cells isolated from PECAM-1+/+mice were dual stained with PECAM-1–Cychrome and CD5-PE. B-1a cells express PECAM-1. (C) Peritoneal cells were collected by peritoneal lavage with 5 mL PBS and cells dual stained with CD5 and B220 (CD45R) to identify the B-1a cell population. Representative scatterplots of peritoneal lymphocytes from PECAM-1+/+ (n = 25) and PECAM-1−/− (n = 25) mice.