Fig. 7.
Expression and morphologic analysis of 32D/v-Abl/neo and 32D/v-Abl/p73 cells.
(A) 32D/v-Abl cells were transduced with an expression vector alone and/or encoding p73 cDNA. After selection, total cell lysates from 32D/v-Abl/neo (lane 2), 3 derived 32D/v-Abl/p73α populations (lanes 3, 4, and 5), and H-p73α stably transduced with p73α cDNA (lane 1) used as a positive control were analyzed by SDS-PAGE and probed with anti–HA monoclonal antibody. (B) The morphology of the cytospin-fixed 32D/v-Abl/neo (left panel) and 32D/v-Abl/p73 (right panel) cells was analyzed by May-Grunwald-Giemsa stain as described in “Materials and methods.” Original magnification × 630.