Rapamycin inhibits endocytosis by GM-CSF–expanded immature BM-derived DCs.
(A-E) BM-derived DCs were expanded for 7 days with GM-CSF only, as described in “Study design”; rapamycin (Rapa) was added at day 2 (± FK506) at the concentrations indicated. (A-C) FITC-albumin and FITC-dextran internalization at 37°C and 4°C (negative control), MHC class II (IAb β-chain), and CD11c expression were analyzed by 3-color flow cytometry. CD11c+ MHC class IIlo cells were gated to determine endocytosis specifically in immature DCs. Regions R1 and R2 show endocytotic activity of immature MHC class IIlo and mature MHC class IIhi DCs, respectively. (A, B) Numbers indicate the percentage of CD11c+ MHC class IIlo cells positive for the marker indicated. (B, C) Data represent mean values (± SE) of CD11c+ MHC class IIlo cells after subtraction of background fluorescence (4°C). Differences between paired cultures were compared by the 2-tailed Student t test for paired samples (*P ≤ .01 vs control; ♦P < .05 vs Rapa 1). (D, E) Apoptosis of CD11c+ DC was determined by annexin-V/7-AAD staining (D) and the TUNEL assay (E). Numbers represent mean values (± SE). Incidences of apoptotic (annexin-V positive/7-AAD negative or TUNEL positive) or secondary necrotic (annexin-V positive/7-AAD positive) cells were consistently lower than 10%. There was a trend towarddecreased apoptosis/cell death in rapamycin-treated cultures, but the differences were not statistically significant. (A-C) Results are representative of 4 separate experiments. (D, E) Results are representative of 2 (TUNEL assay) and 3 (annexin-V/7-AAD assay) separate experiments.