Fig. 1.
Fig. 1. Summary of new and previously described coding sequence changes of the. / TfR2 gene. Text box color code is as follows: purple indicates previously described homozygous mutations, white indicates a novel homozygous mutation, and orange indicates heterozygous sequence changes. The asterisk indicates a previously described heterozygous sequence change. For each sequence change identified in this study, both the amino acid (above) and cDNA nucleotide (below) changes are indicated.

Summary of new and previously described coding sequence changes of the

TfR2 gene. Text box color code is as follows: purple indicates previously described homozygous mutations, white indicates a novel homozygous mutation, and orange indicates heterozygous sequence changes. The asterisk indicates a previously described heterozygous sequence change. For each sequence change identified in this study, both the amino acid (above) and cDNA nucleotide (below) changes are indicated.

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