Fig. 1.
Fig. 1. Multiple mechanisms of DNA repair in mammalian cells. / Removal of primary adducts is performed by several repair pathways, each depending on a couple of distinct proteins. These repair proteins eliminate specific DNA adducts either directly (eg, MGMT at the O6-position of guanine) or, after damage recognition, initiate a cascade of steps leading to excision reactions, resynthesis, and subsequently, religation of the repaired patches.

Multiple mechanisms of DNA repair in mammalian cells.

Removal of primary adducts is performed by several repair pathways, each depending on a couple of distinct proteins. These repair proteins eliminate specific DNA adducts either directly (eg, MGMT at the O6-position of guanine) or, after damage recognition, initiate a cascade of steps leading to excision reactions, resynthesis, and subsequently, religation of the repaired patches.

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