Sticking of murine FL HPCs in nonirradiated and irradiated BM microvessels.
(A) TBI mediates increased HPC sticking. Sticking occurred at a considerable frequency in nonirradiated BM (N, sticking fraction 38.5% ± 3.8%), tended to be increased at 24 hours (Irr, 50.5% ± 12.7%, P > .05 vs N) and was significantly enhanced at 48 hours after TBI (60.3% ± 2.4%,P < .01 vs N). (B) Effect of blocking mAbs on FL HPC sticking. Sticking fractions (defined as percentage of rolling cells) after mAb treatment were normalized to sticking fractions determined in the same vessel before mAb application (control). (C) Only sticking in irradiated BM was partly inhibited by PTX. Cells (107/mL) were incubated with PTX (100 ng/mL) for 2 hours at 37°C. During the last 30 minutes of PTX incubation, treatment was combined with fluorescence staining. Treated cells were washed and used immediately for IVM. Data are presented as mean ± SEM. ns indicates nonsignificant.