Fig. 1.
Fig. 1. Normal colon histology in C57−WAS− mouse after transplantation. / Hematoxylin and eosin–stained section from the colon of a C57/BL6J WAS-null mouse (age 10 weeks, H hepaticuspositive) that became acutely ill and was killed 10 days after lethal irradiation and bone marrow transplantation. A severe hemorrhagic cystitis was found at necropsy. Colon histology shows rare acute and chronic inflammatory cells, but is essentially normal. Magnification, × 50.

Normal colon histology in C57−WAS− mouse after transplantation.

Hematoxylin and eosin–stained section from the colon of a C57/BL6J WAS-null mouse (age 10 weeks, H hepaticuspositive) that became acutely ill and was killed 10 days after lethal irradiation and bone marrow transplantation. A severe hemorrhagic cystitis was found at necropsy. Colon histology shows rare acute and chronic inflammatory cells, but is essentially normal. Magnification, × 50.

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