STI571 treatment of P210BCR-ABL 32D cells fails to decrease cell adhesion.
(A) P210BCR-ABL 32D cells were incubated with (●) or without () 10 μM STI571 overnight prior to assaying adhesion. Typical profiles are shown and indicate that adhesion was not reduced, and may have slightly increased, as a result of tyrosine kinase attenuation by STI571. (–○–) represents a curve fitted to the experimental points. The critical shear stress (τ50) is defined as the point on the abscissa (shear stress) that corresponds to an adherent fraction of 0.5 along the fitted curve. (B) The critical shear stress was calculated for a series of spins and is represented as the fold change in τ50 relative to untreated P210BCR-ABLcells. We tested 2 separate populations of P210BCR-ABLcells (left, right) treated with (n = 5, n = 4), or without (n = 3, n = 4) 10 μM STI571 overnight (P = .008,P = .016). (C) pK1 control cells were incubated with (n = 4) or without (n = 10) 10 μM STI571 as in (B) (P = .06) and the data are represented as the fold change in τ50 relative to untreated pK1 cells. Treatment of transduced 32D cells with STI571 did not affect nonspecific binding to BSA matrices (data not shown).