Fig. 1-1.
RT-PCR results in pediatric AML and healthy controls.
Upper panel: first-round RT-PCR of AML specimens. Lane number indicates the case number of Table 1 in our article. Of the 7 Ik-6 positive cases, 4 are shown here (case 10 not included, cases 11 and 12 not tested). Lower panel: healthy controls. Lanes 1-8 indicate first-round RT-PCR and lanes 9-16 indicate nested RT-PCR. Template c DNA were obtained from mononuclear cells (lanes 1, 9), CD4+ cells (lanes 2, 10), CD8+ cells (lanes 3, 11), CD14+cells (lanes 4, 12), CD19+ cells (lanes 5, 13), placenta (lanes 6, 14), positive control for Ik2 (lanes 7, 15), and positive control for Ik6 (lanes 8, 16). M indicates Kb ladder marker.