Fig. 2.
In vivo inhibition of GVHD mortality by the infusion of tolerized cells.
Tolerized cells reduce GVHD mortality induced by naive or primed cells. (A) One hundred thousand naive B6 CD4+ T cells were injected with or without 105 tolerized B6 CD4+T cells (by separate injection) into sublethally irradiated bm12 recipients. Four separate experiments with similar results were pooled; n = 23 for recipients of naive cells and n = 32 for recipients of naive and tolerized cells (P < .001). (B) One hundred thousand primed B6 CD4+ T cells were injected with or without 105 tolerized B6 CD4+ T cells (by separate injection) into sublethally irradiated bm12 recipients. Three separate experiments with similar results were pooled; n = 15 for recipients of primed cells and n = 24 for recipients of primed and tolerized cells (P < .001). On the x-axis are days after transfer of T cells. The y-axis shows the proportion of recipients surviving after transfer.