Concerted repopulation kinetics of granddaughter HSCs originally derived from clonal HSCs in tertiary recipients.
Secondary recipients of HSCs originally derived from clones C2 (dashed lines, open symbols) and B2 (solid lines, open symbols) and the control mouse BM1 (closed symbols) were killed 8 months after injection (total time in repopulation assay, 15 months). The 7-month repopulation data in the secondary hosts are indicated for comparison (as the first point of the lines). BMCs from each secondary host were injected into 2 new lethally irradiated B6 mice each (arrow), generating 4 tertiary hosts. Three mice each injected with HSCs from clone B2 and from the control BM2 were followed over 7 months (one mouse from each group was killed at 3 months). Data shown are percentages of donor-type cells (Ly5.1) in blood.