Fig. 1.
Immunohistochemical staining of the lymph node involved with CLL, ALCL, and HL.
HE-stained tissue section showing the CLL component (A); ALCL component (B); and the Hodgkin component with R-S cells, small lymphocytes, and eosinophils (C). CLL component (D-H), CD20 (L26) staining showing predominance of CD20+ CLL cells (D,E), and CLL area staining positive for CD23 (F) but negative for CD5 (G). Presence of many CD3+ T cells in Hodgkin nodule (*) and absence in surrounding CLL area and in ALCL component (#) (H). ALCL component showing presence of CD30 (I), UCHL-1 (CD45RO) (J) and TIA-1 (K)–positive cells. HL component showing presence of CD30 (L), CD15 (M), TARC (N), and TIA-1 (O)–positive R-S cells. Original magnifications: × 25 (D); × 50 (H); × 200 (A,E-G,L-O); × 400 (B,C,I-K).