Expression of MU3 promoter–containing lentiviral vectors in monocytes derived from CD34+cord blood cells. CD34+ cord blood cells were transduced with the MU3 promoter–containing set of lentiviral vectors, sorted, and cultured in the presence of IL-3, IL-6, and GM-CSF to promote monocytic differentiation. Shown is the comparison of MFI values of GFP fluorescence of nonadherent cells analyzed between 4 to 7 weeks of culture. Similar results were obtained in 2 independent experiments. *The MFI values of GFP fluorescence directed by the SINF-MU3-GW-SI vector were significantly higher than those directed by the other vectors (P < .05, Student t test). In addition, the CV values of GFP fluorescence homogeneity obtained with the SINF-MU3-GW-SI vector (CV = 76 ± 4) were significantly better than those obtained with the SINF-MU3-GW vector (CV = 89 ± 2) (P < .05, Student t test). Error bars represent SD.