Marked reduction in myeloma bone disease and tumor burden in vivo as a result of functional blockade of MIP-1α bioactivity with neutralizing antibodies to MIP-1α (A) Treatment schedule. (B) Neutralization of MIP-1α bioactivity significantly inhibited the development of osteolytic lesions and reduced skeletal tumor volume in myeloma-bearing mice. Left panel: anti-MIP-1α antibodies significantly reduced the number of osteolytic lesions compared with treatment with isotype IgG2a and PBS (number in parentheses represents mice with at least one lesion per mouse in group). Right panel: the anti-MIP-1α antibodies also significantly reduced the proportion of the marrow cavity occupied by tumor in bones of the hind limbs compared with treatment with isotype IgG2a or PBS (P = .0011). (C) Treatment with anti-MIP-1α antibodies resulted in a significant reduction in incidence of splenomegaly in myeloma-bearing mice (• indicates values for individual mice treated with anti-MIP-1α antibodies; ○, values for control mice that received isotype IgG or vehicle). All control mice had significantly enlarged spleens (at least 0.3 g), whereas only 4 of 10 mice that received anti-MIP-1α antibody had splenomegaly (normal non-tumor-bearing mouse spleen, 0.1 g or less). There was a positive correlation between splenic wet weights and serum IgG2bκ levels (r = 0.83). (D) Treatment with anti-MIP-1α antibodies significantly reduced serum IgG2bκ titers in 7 of 10 tumor-bearing mice (5.45 ± 1.56 mg/mL), below the median for the pooled controls (9.26 mg/mL); line, median; box, 25% to 75%; bar, 95% confidence interval (“Statistical Analysis”).