Lyn –/– BMMCs, which do not show increased intracellular calcium with IgE, SF, or IgE + Ag, display impaired adhesion to FN in response to IgE or IgE + Ag but not to SF. (A) Intracellular calcium measurements in Lyn+/+ (solid line) and –/– (dashed line) BMMCs in response to 10 μg/mL IgE (left panel), 100 ng/mL SF (middle panel), or IgE + 20 ng/mL DNP-HSA (right panel) injected at 100 seconds (↓). (B) Adhesion of Lyn+/+ (□) and –/– (▪) BMMCs to FN following a 60-minute exposure of the cells to the indicated concentrations of IgE, SF, or IgE + DNP-HSA. The background adhesion (8%-15%) was subtracted. Adhesion was significantly (P < .05) different between Lyn+/+ and –/– BMMCs except for 0.5, 1 ng/mL SF and 0.1, 0.5, 1 ng/mL DNP-HSA. Results shown are the mean ± SEM of triplicate determinations. Similar results were obtained in 3 (A) and 3 (B) separate experiments.