Mutational analysis of PIM-1, PAX-5, RhoH/TTF, and c-MYC in AIDS-NHL. The 4 genomic loci are shown, with untranslated and translated sequences (open and filled boxes, respectively); hatched boxes represent relevant protein functional domains. Arrows indicate transcriptional start sites. For each gene, the region amplified for analysis is expanded below and aligned to sequences of mutated AIDS-NHL cases (1 line = 2 alleles). Each small segment represents a 20-bp (PIM-1, PAX-5, and RhoH/TTF) or 25-bp (c-MYC) interval (numbered according to the relative GenBank accession numbers). Ovals indicate single bp substitutions; brackets indicate deletions. *Indicates site of ATP binding in the Pim-1 protein; P, putative phosphorylation sites; BTE, segment controlling block of transcriptional elongation; TAD, transactivation domain; bHLHLZ, basic Helix Loop Helix Leucine Zipper domain.