Figure 3.
Nucleotide sequence analysis of the breakpoint junctions of 6 lymphomas with t(3;14) translocation. Sequence identities with the BCL-6 germ line gene (GenBank accession nos. AF191831 and Z79581) are indicated by the vertical lines; asterisks indicate location of mutations. The SH–BCL-6 junctions were analyzed by alignment to the closest switch (SH) sequence (GenBank accession nos. X56795, D78345, AL122127). RGYW and WRCY motifs are boxed; pentameric repeat motifs of the Sμ region are underlined. In case 3, partial homology with the BCL-6 germ line and the absence of homology with the Switch μ germ line sequence did not allow an exact location of the breakpoint. These sequences have been submitted to the GenBank database (GenBank accession nos. AJ557805 to AJ557817).