Figure 4.
Rapid switch in the migration program during activation of freshly isolated peripheral blood γδ T cells. (A) Chemokine receptor expression is shown in freshly isolated peripheral blood γδ T cells (dashed lines) and activated γδ T cells after 36 hours of stimulation with IPP (bold lines). The control isotype Ab stainings (filled histograms) are shown for activated γδ T cells. Note the inverse regulation of CCR5 and CCR7 expression during γδ T-cell activation. (B) Chemotactic migration profile of activated peripheral blood γδ T cells after 36 hours of stimulation with IPP was examined as described in Figure 1. Maximal migration responses (±SD) were observed at 1 or 10 nM I-TAC, SDF-1, RANTES, and MDC; 1 μM SLC; and 3 μM BCA-1. One of 3 independent experiments is shown.