C/EBPα expression in the different FAB subtypes of AML and during follow-up. (A) C/EBPα expression is significantly downmodulated in FAB M2 AML patients characterized by the t(8;21) and in FAB M4 characterized by inv(16) with respect to those with normal karyotype. The mean values are defined by horizontal bars. (B) C/EBPα expression is significantly downmodulated in CBF AML patients at diagnosis, and it is up-regulated during chemotherapy-induced complete remission (CR). In the 8 CBF AML patients who persisted in CR (blue lines), C/EBPα expression did not change during follow-up; by contrast in the 4 CBF AML patients who relapsed (red lines), C/EBPα expression was downmodulated again. By contrast, no differences in C/EBPα expression were noted during follow-up in the 6 patients characterized by normal karyotype (green lines). Of these 6 patients, 4 persisted in CR and 2 relapsed.