Effect of 5F11 treatment on subcutaneous L540CY tumors in SCID mice. Subcutaneous solid L540Cy tumors were established by injection of L540Cy cells (1 × 107) resuspended in 200 μL PBS into the right flank. Tumor development was measured every 3 days and tumor volume determined using the formula (length × width × height)/2. Animals with established tumors of 4 to 6 mm in the largest diameter were divided randomly into the different groups and received 100 μg 5F11 (in 200 μL PBS intraperitoneally) every 4 days for a total of 4 injections. Control mice received PBS only. The experiment was stopped and the mice killed when the median tumor diameter in the control group exceeded 20 mm (day 107). The treatment and control group consisted of 5 animals. Data are calculated as the mean tumor volume of all animals per group.