Figure 6.
Dephosphorylation and redistribution of PBT cell ERM in response to SDF-1α Confocal micrographs showing the distribution of cpERM (green, mAb 297s) versus total ERM (red, polyclonal antiezrin) in human PBT cells detected by indirect immunofluorescence before and 1 minute after stimulation with 100 ng/mL SDF-1α. Resting cells exhibit a peripheral, punctate distribution of cpERM, colocalized with punctate staining of total ERM protein. Following SDF-1α stimulation, the cpERM signal is lost, as are punctate spots of total ERM staining, indicating ERM T558 dephosphorylation and redistribution. Images are single optical sections 1 μm in thickness acquired at the approximate mid-plane of cells (bar represents 5 μm).