Figure 7.
Precise epitope mapping of IgG fractions from patients with acquired TTP by competitive immunoblot analysis. Two culture medium samples, one from cells transfected with the full-length wild-type plasmid and the other from cells transfected with the Trp688Xaa plasmid, were premixed, subjected to SDS-PAGE, and blotted onto polyvinylidene diflouride membranes. (A) Each blot was reacted with healthy IgG, anti-FLAG M2 MoAb, or IgGs prepared from 3 patients. (B) Each blot was reacted with IgGs prepared from 3 patients in the presence of 10-fold concentrated cultured media of cells transfected with either the Gln449Xaa, the Trp688Xaa, or the full-length wild-type plasmid.