High levels of donor-derived ECs and hematopoietic cells following primary and secondary transplantation. (A) Liver from recipients of GFP+ BM (2-5 × 106 cells), GFP+ KSL (500-2000 cells), or from unfractionated bone marrow (WBM) (106 cells) serially transplanted from primary recipients (secondary transplantation) was examined to determine the frequency of portal veins with GFP+ ECs. Portal veins were considered positive if 10% or more of the ECs integrated within the vessel wall were GFP+, CD31+, or VWF+. 2nd Tx indicates secondary transplantation. (Error bars indicate SEM; n = 3-6 mice per group [P ≤ .01]). (B) Donor-derived, multilineage hematopoiesis in the peripheral blood of a secondary recipient 3 months after transplantation. The percentage of GFP+ donor cells expressing individual hematopoietic lineage markers is indicated.