CD4 cells given with CD8 cells in day-35 DLIs promote conversion to full donor chimerism, but CD4 cells given without CD8 cells promote loss of chimerism. The percentage is shown of animals with conversion to full donor chimerism (A) or with loss of detectable donor chimerism (B) following various DLIs. The same animals presented in Figure 1 are presented here. Recipients were given no DLI (n=9; group A, No DLI), complement only–treated DLI (n=11; group B, DLI + c), CD4 cell–depleted DLI (n=12; group C, CD4 depl. DLI), CD8 cell–depleted DLI (n=11; group D, CD8 depl. DLI), or CD4 and CD8 cell–depleted DLI (n=20; group E, CD4 + 8 depl. DLI). Each bar represents one group in each panel. Data were pooled from 2 independent experiments. The difference in percentages of animals with conversion to full chimerism was statistically significant for group E versus group B or group C; for group C versus group D and for group B versus group D. The difference in percentages of animals with loss of chimerism was statistically significant for group D versus group B, group C, and group E. In the 2 separate experiments, the following numbers of mice converted to full donor chimerism in experiments 1 and 2, respectively: group A, 0 of 6, 0 of 3; group B, 8 of 8, 3 of 3; group C, 3 of 4, 2 of 8; group D, 0 of 4, 0 of 7; group E, 1 of 15, 0 of 5. In the 2 separate experiments, the following numbers of mice lost chimerism in experiments 1 and 2, respectively: group A, 1 of 6, 1 of 3; group B, 0 of 8, 0 of 3; group C, 0 of 4, 0 of 8; group D, 2 of 4, 4 of 7; group E, 2 of 15, 1 of 5.