Relationship among LV ejection fraction, myocardial T2*, and transfusion duration. (A) Plot of ejection fraction by MRI versus cardiac T2* in patients with thalassemia (•) and those with SCD (□). Dotted lines represent reference range for ejection fraction.12-14 indicates need for cardiac medications. Two patients had ventricular tachycardia, indicated by the letters VT. (B) Plot of cardiac T2* as a function of transfusion duration. Patients with SCD were predominantly receiving transfusions for less than 13 years (13 of 17), whereas the majority (10 of 19) of patients with thalassemia had transfusions for longer periods. None of the thalassemia patients receiving transfusions for less than 13 years had abnormal cardiac T2*, whereas 8 of 10 patients receiving transfusions for longer periods had abnormal T2*.