Figure 7.
Expression levels of HOXA9 targets in primary samples of AML. (A) Gene expression profiles for 28 human primary AML patient samples were downloaded from the website.16 HOXA9 expression levels were used to divide the samples into 2 groups. High HOXA9 samples had pixel intensities ranging from 2000 to 6000 (n = 17) and low HOXA9-expressing samples had pixel intensity values of 2000 or below (n = 11). A Student t test was performed to determine which gene expression differences were statistically significant. *P < .05; **P < .001. Fourteen genes whose expression was significantly different between the HOXA9-high and HOXA9-low groups of primary AML showed the same direction of change of expression as seen in the microarray studies. (B) JUNB mRNA levels in high and low HOXA9-expressing AML patient samples, as measured by quantitative real-time PCR. Samples were segregated into one of 2 groups, based on relative expression of HOXA9, and normalized to GAPDH. High HOXA9-expressing samples had HOXA9/GAPDH ratios of more than 0.05 (n = 4), and low HOXA9 samples had ratios less than 0.05 (n = 7). Values for JUNB represent the mean relative expression level for each HOXA9 expression group.