Synthetic 2-DE gel images representing all protein features present in the basal versus TRAP analysis. (A) pI 4-7 range. (B) pI 6-11 range. The figure shows the location on the 2-DE gels of the differential regulated protein features, how intense these features are, and where the successfully identified ones are located. Representative gels from control and stimulated platelets have not been superimposed on each other but rather each synthetic image is representative of the group of 8 gels (4 basal and 4 TRAP) for the 2 pH ranges. The original gels were used for the differential analysis. The differentially regulated features are indicated and identified labeled with their SWISS-PROT and National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) accession number. B indicates protein feature only present in basal gels; T, protein feature only present in TRAP gels; B*, protein feature present in both basal and TRAP gels, expressed to a higher extent in the basal sample; and T*, protein feature present in both basal and TRAP gels, expressed to a higher extent in the TRAP stimulated sample. Further information on this figure will be available at our web site (