Three-dimensional structural analysis of human hepcidin and mouse hepc1 and hepc2 peptides. The 3D structure of mouse hepc1 and hepc2 was obtained by reference to human hepcidin (PDB 1M4F19) using the CBS modeling tools. The 2 β sheets of the peptides are represented by arrows, the β1 sheet comprises amino acids 7 to 12, and the β2 sheet comprises amino acids 18 to 22. These β sheets are antiparallel and the structure is stabilized by disulfide bridges (7-23, 10-22, 11-19) and H-bonds (8-22, 10-20, 12-18). The upper convex β-sheet face is colored in blue and the lower concave face in yellow. The convex/concave faces in hepc1 and hepc2 point in opposite directions to that of human hepc. The hepc2 β1 strand shows a marked torsion most likely due to the Q12-S18 H-bond passing behind the β2 sheet. The electrostatic potential was mapped on the molecule using the Poisson-Boltzmann equation (Swiss-Pdb Viewer tools). The positive potentials are drawn in blue and negative ones in red. The arrow is pointing out the torsion in the β1 sheet.