Effect of FV level on the APCsr determined with the Coatest APC Resistance assay. (A) Plot of the APCsr as a function of FV concentration. The FV level was varied by mixing sample plasma with FV-deficient plasma in different proportions, and the APCsr was determined as described in “Materials and methods.” (B) The difference in APCsr between normal plasma and FVLeiden-homozygous plasma consists of 2 components: (1) poor susceptibility of FVaLeiden to APC, quantified by the difference between the y-axis intercepts of the APCsr plots of normal and FVLeiden-homozygous plasma; and (2) impaired APC cofactor activity of FVLeiden in FVIIIa inactivation, whose contribution to the APCsr is deduced by subtracting the susceptibility component from the total APCsr difference between normal and FVLeiden-homozygous plasma measured in full plasma. (C) Magnification of the inset in panel A. Each point is the average of 3 or more duplicate experiments, with error bars representing 1 standard error above and below the mean. Δ indicates normal plasma; ▪, FVR2-homozygous plasma; and •, FVLeiden-homozygous plasma.