Figure 5.
Ability of Pten+/-SHIP-/- BM cells to repopulate irradiated recipients is severely compromised. Flow cytometry analysis of peripheral blood samples obtained from recipients of BM cells from the various donor genotypes is shown. Cells expressing Ly5.2+, Ly5.2+ and B220+; Ly5.2+ and Mac1+; and Ly5.2+ and CD3+ are represented as a percentage of total peripheral blood leukocyte populations. The data were derived from 2 donors of each genotype; CD3 phenotyping was performed on 5 to 9 recipients/genotype, and B220 and Mac1 analysis on 9 to 12 recipients/genotype ± SEM of percentages. ***P < .05 or less compared with all genotypes, **P ≤ .01 or less compared with wild-type and Pten+/-.