Antibody response to LCMV-WE and VSV-IND in OM → RAG1-/- chimeras versus control mice. (A) Blood from B6 mice (□) and OM → RAG1-/- chimeras (▴) was tested for LCMV-NP–specific IgG antibody following intravenous infection with 200 pfu LCMV-WE. The data show the mean values from 2 chimeras and 3 B6 mice per point. Anti-LCMV antibody titers were inferior in chimeras relative to controls on days 12 and 20 (.05 < P < .1). (B) VSV-neutralizing antibody titers were assessed in the blood of B6 mice (□) and OM → RAG1-/- chimeras (▴) following intravenous infection with 2 × 106 pfu VSV-IND. The data show the values obtained for 3 mice per point except for days 12 to 20 because 2 of 3 chimeras died on day 10 after infection with VSV (*). On day 8, VSV-neutralizing titers were lower in chimeras relative to controls (P < .05 for total immunoglobulin as well as IgG titers).