CESH profiling of hairy cell leukemia. (A) A representative CESH image from the experiment pairing cDNA from HCL (spleen) with cDNA from normal lymph nodes. Original magnification, ×100 (Plan Neofluor lens 100×/1.30 Oil [Zeiss]). (B) The average CESH profile of 10 analyzed metaphase cells from the same experiment showing the red-green fluorescence intensity ratio along the chromosomes (pink lines) using the 95% CL (yellow lines). Dynamic standard reference intervals (SRIs) offered by the high-resolution Cytovision CGH analysis software are shown as black lines. A ratio outside SRI is indicative of a relative underexpression/overexpression, indicated as red and green bars, respectively. (C) Schematic summary of CESH results obtained in all 3 sets of experiments showing chromosomal regions with a relative underexpression (left side) and overexpression (right side). Color bars represent differentially expressed regions identified in the HCL versus lymph node (green), HCL versus normal spleen (red), and normal spleen versus normal lymph node (blue) experiments. Each bar marks an averaged region with differential expression recorded in at least 25% (3 of 12) of analyzed cases. Dotted, regular, and thick bars point to regions with altered expression detected using the 90%, 95%, and 99% CL, respectively. The shown level of differential expression (90%, 95%, and 99% CL) is representative for at least 25% of informative cases.