Figure 4.
Normal expression level and CD45 binding of transfected HA-CD45-AP in ALST-1 cells. HA-CD45-AP is expressed at a normal level and binds CD45 in stably transfected ALST-1 cells. (A) Cell lysates were immunoblotted with anti-CD45, anti-CD45-AP, and anti-actin antibodies (lanes 1-4), or with anti-HA antibody (lanes 5-6). Lane 1 depicts wild-type thymocyte lysate (3.75 × 105 cells); lane 2, CD45-AP-null thymocyte lysate (3.75 × 105 cells); lanes 3 and 5, lysates of ALST-1 transfected with HA-CD45-AP (3.75 × 105 cells); lanes 4 and 6, lysates of ALST-1 transfected with empty vector (3.75 × 105 cells). (B) Anti-CD45 immunoprecipitates of ALST-1 cells transfected with HA-CD45-AP (lane 1) or with empty vector (lane 2) were immunoblotted with anti-CD45 and anti-HA antibodies.