CE-MS data. The raw data of urine from one patient are shown to visualize the generation of the data and depict the amount of information contained in the data. An overview (A) is shown as a 3-dimensional contour plot, where the information and resolution are reduced. Mass per charge is plotted on the y-axis against CE migration time on the x-axis, with the signal intensity color coded. Each dash shown in this contour plot corresponds to a single polypeptide analyzed in the CE-MS run. To display the information content in each of the about 1000 single spectra contained in one CE-MS analysis, a magnified view of the MS data of 3 individual spectra is shown (B-D). In the spectra the signal intensity (amplitude) on the y-axis is plotted onto the mass/charge on the x-axis, as indicated in B. The cross-section on the raw data plot is shown as arrows in red (B), blue (C), or green (D). An even further magnification of MS spectra from 2 individual polypeptides reveals the high resolution of the technology used (E, yellow arrows, z = 3; and F, violet arrow, z = 2).