Effect of oral L1 administration on basal LPI and DCI levels. Individual profiles. Serum samples from patients obtained at least 10 hours after the last L1 oral administration were assayed for LPI (○) and DCI (▪) as described in “Patients, materials, and methods.” The figure depicts results obtained monthly or bimonthly with 3 patients (A-C), each representative of the different types of individual responses observed in the whole group. (D) The mean ± SEM values for LPI and DCI (both in μM) for the entire group. The respective levels at the onset and after 57 to 80 weeks (13 to 17 months) of the treatment were 6.54 ± 2.00 and 3.48 ± 0.34 for LPI and 5.55 ± 1.00 and 2.4 ± 0.20 for DCI. The differences in the profiles of LPI and DCI for each individual were not significant at P < .01 (paired t test analysis).