Phenotypic analysis of purified ALDHhiLin- and ALDHloLin- populations. Human UCB Lin- cells were analyzed by flow cytometry for ALDH expression in combination with the expression of primitive hematopoietic markers. (A-B) Lin- cells were incubated with Aldefluor and an inhibitor of ALDH (DEAB) or with Aldefluor alone to establish R1 and R2 gates for ALDHloLin- and ALDHhiLin- cells, respectively. (C-D) ALDHhiLin- and ALDHloLin- populations were subsequently analyzed for the expression of CD34 with CD38. The frequency of CD34+CD38- cells (R3) was greater in the ALDHhiLin- cells than in the ALDHloLin- cells (P < .05). (E-F) ALDHhiLin- and ALDHloLin- cells were also analyzed for the coexpression of CD34 with CD133. The frequency of CD34+CD133+ cells (R4) was increased in the ALDHhiLin- cells compared with the ALDHloLin- cells (P < .001). These data represent the mean ± SEM on experiments performed with Lin- cells isolated from 6 UCB donors (n = 6). Numbers represent the frequency of events in the boxes.