Figure 2.
Treatment of patient 2. Patient 2 before (panel A, injected lesion; panel C, noninjected lesions) and after (panel B, injected lesion; panel D, noninjected lesions) TG1042 treatment. Changes in CTCL histology following TG1042 injections (hematoxylin-eosin staining: E, baseline; H, after treatment), TIA-1 (F, baseline; I, after treatment), and CAR (G, baseline; J, after treatment) expression in CTCL. Changes in CD79a, marker for neoplastic B cells (K, baseline; N, after treatment), CD8 (L, baseline; O, after treatment), and TIA-1 (M, baseline; P, after treatment) expression in CBCL. See Table 4. Original magnification, × 40 (E, H); × 20 (F, G, I, J, K-P).