Figure 4.
Regulatory volume decrease in SS and AA reticulocytes after incubation in isotonic media at pH 7.4. MCHC was determined by density gradient analysis of SS (♦) and AA (○) reticulocytes incubated in Cl media (HBS) at pH 7.4. Data are means ± SD in 3 SS and 3 AA samples. (A) Initial MCHC = 300 g/L (30 g/dL) after nystatin treatment. (B) Initial MCHC = 260 g/L (26 g/dL). ▵ represents reticulocyte MCHC in Cl-free (NO3) media, combining data from AA and SS samples (see “Regulatory volume decrease after cell swelling in SS and AA reticulocytes”). Error bars represent standard deviation.