Figure 1.
Generation and characterization of mouse models expressing wild-type human GP Ibα (hTgWT) and a truncated form of GP Ibα (hTgY605X). (A) Animal models have been developed lacking the murine GP Ibα genes and expressing normal human GP Ibα (hTgWT) and a truncated human GP Ibα variant (hTgY605X). Both expressed human transgenes were driven by megakaryocytic-specific promoters. (B) Shown are the primary sequence alignments for the cytoplasmic tails of mouse (Mo) and human (Hu) GP Ibα. *The amino acid position (605) where a Tyr605 codon was replaced with a stop codon to truncate the cytoplasmic tail of GP Ibα. (C) Flow cytometry profiles of platelets in whole blood are shown using blood from hTgWT and hTgY605X animals. Fluorescence was produced using an FITC-labeled anti–human GP Ibα monoclonal antibody, LJ-P3. The negative control (dotted line) was fluorescence produced by nontransgenic or normal mice. (D) von Willebrand factor binding isotherms are shown for washed platelets from hTgWT and hTgY605X blood. (E) Mouse platelet lysates were immunoprecipitated with LJ-P3 and immunoblotted with an antifilamin-1 polyclonal antibody and an anti–GP Ibα polyclonal antibody.