Normal levels of HbA and β-globin production in transduced thalassemia bone marrow erythroid liquid cultures. (A) FACS analysis of a 12-day erythroid culture from NBM, TBM, and TBM-BGI with the panels on the left showing the negative controls labeled with zeta-globin and the panels on the right showing HbA labeling. (B) The mean proportion (mean ± SEM; n = 4) of HbA+ cells in culture between days 10 and 12 was 70% ± 11% in NBM, 16% ± 6% in TBM, and 60% ± 5% in TBM-BGI; P < .001 NBM versus TBM, P < .2 NBM versus TBM-BGI. (C) The MFI of HbA in the same cultures was 451 ± 141 in NBM, 39 ± 8 in TBM, and 469 ± 72 in TBM-BGI; P < .001 NBM versus TBM, P = .45 NBM versus TBM-BGI. (D-G) Reverse phase HPLC analysis on the cells from liquid cultures done at 2 weeks of culture from the 4 individual experiments showing the β, α, Gγ, and Aγ globin chains marked in NBM, TBM, and TBM-BGI.