Figure 1.
Effects of SU11248 and/or cytarabine on proliferation of MV4-11 cells. Cells were exposed to cytarabine alone (♦) or in combination with 2 (▪), 4 (▴), or 8 nM (•) SU11248. Proliferation was assessed with an XTT-based assay at 48 hours. The effects of SU11248 without cytarabine are shown on the left side of the graph. Each data point represents the mean across 3 identical wells. Results from 1 of 3 separate experiments are shown. Percent inhibition is plotted on the y-axis (errors bars indicate standard deviation). The addition of SU11248 increased the dose-dependent inhibition of proliferation by cytarabine at all concentrations tested. Higher doses of SU1148 increased the efficacy of the combinations.