Figure 6.
Chemotactic response to fMLP of neutrophils from patients with PNH. (A) PMNs isolated from the peripheral blood of 12 patients were evaluated for the expression of CD157 using RF3-FITC mAb. Cytofluorimetric analysis was performed on at least 10 000 cells. The results are expressed as percentage of CD157+ PMNs. (B) Summary of the results of migration of neutrophil from 12 patients with PNH (•)in response to 10 nM fMLP analyzed in parallel with 13 healthy donors (○). The increasing rate of fMLP-induced chemotaxis was evaluated as fMLP-induced migration/basal migration. P = .001. (C) Inhibitory effect of anti-CD157 mAb on neutrophil chemotaxis. The results are the average of 13 healthy donors analyzed and of 3 patients with PNH with a virtually absent (05, 09, 10), low (< 15%) (02, 06, 11), or significant (> 20%) (03, 04, 07) percentage of PMNs expressing CD157. Results are expressed as percentage of inhibition of fMLP-induced chemotaxis following CD157 ligation. (D) PMNs from the PNH07 patient with -30% normal neutrophils were enriched in GPI- PMNs, by negative selection with anti-CD157–coated magnetic beads. (E) The impaired migration of neutrophils from the PNH07 patient (▪) is increased in the CD157-deprived population (▦). There were 5 fields counted per well, and neutrophil chemotactic response was expressed as the mean number of migrated cells per high power field from triplicate wells ± SD. *P < .05.