Figure 3.
Subcellular localization of ERβ, Src, p85/PI3-K, and Pyk2 in 17β-E2–treated platelets. Cytosol (CYT) and membrane-rich (MR) fractions were prepared from platelets incubated with buffer or with 100 nM 17β-E2 for 30, 60, and 180 seconds, as described in “Materials and methods.” (A) Identical amounts of protein from each fraction were analyzed by immunoblotting with anti-ERβ and anti–caspase-9 antibodies. (B) Aliquots containing the same amount of proteins from each MR fraction obtained from platelets, treated as described for panel A, were analyzed by immunoblotting with antibodies against Src, pSrc-Tyr416, Pyk2, and p85/PI3-K, as indicated on the left. Results are representative of those of at least 4 different experiments.