Inhibition of inflammatory reactions in vivo by angiostatin. Following thioglycollate injection into the mouse peritoneum to induce acute inflammation, the number of neutrophils in the peritoneal lavage was analyzed after 4 hours: (A) Prior to thioglycollate administration, separate mice were treated by intraperitoneal injection with PBS-buffer only (▦; –), with a blocking mAb against Mac-1, or with a blocking mAb against LFA-1 or recombinant angiostatin (K1-4) (each 100 μg) as indicated. *P < .001 compared with control (only buffer). (B) Prior to thioglycollate administration, separate mice were treated by intraperitoneal injection with PBS buffer (▦) , with K1-4, K1-3, or K4 (▪ 100 μg; □ 40 μg). *P < .001; #P < .05; ns indicates not significant, compared with control (only buffer). Data are mean ± SD (n = 8-10 mice per treatment).