Figure 6.
Endostatin inhibits the expression of endothelial PDGFB but not TGFβ1. Combined in situ hybridization of PDGFB (black) and immunofluorescense staining with Ulex lectin (green) in Matrigels from (A) control and (B) endostatin-treated animals at day 20. Note that the probe PDGFB also hybridizes to cells of mouse origin. Insert shows sense probe to PDGFB. (C-D) Immunofluorescence staining of TGFβ1 (red) and Ulex lectin (green) in Matrigels from day-20 control (C) and endostatin-treated (D) mice. Note that the antibody to hTGFβ1 also recognizes mouse TGFβ. Scalebars, 50 μm.