Both anti-CD41 mAb and anti-CD61 mAb deplete platelets from the circulation. Blood (2 μL) was obtained from mice treated with either anti-CD41 mAb on day 1 of P berghei infection or PBS (A), and the average number plus or minus SD of cells is shown on the x-axis. A similar analysis was performed with blood from mice injected with anti-CD61 mAb on day 1 of infection (B). The blood was analyzed by flow cytometry for levels of CD41 and CD61 on the surface of platelets in the groups of mice indicated on the y-axis. A platelet region was defined based on the distinct forward and side scatter of platelets and the number of cells with different expression patterns of CD41 and CD61 were calculated by using counting beads. ▪ indicates CD41+CD61+; ▨, CD41–CD61–. Few (< 0.1%) if any single positive cells (CD41+CD61– or CD41–CD61+) were detected.